Research Materials

This is where we will keep track of resources we deem to be important.

Project maintained by treese41528 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Image Generation Resources

(To keep track of github repositories for image processing and generation)

Video Generation Resources

(To keep track of github repositories for video processing and generation)

Large Language Model Resources

(To keep pace with the large language models and other natural language tools.)

Motion Capture and Generation Resources

(To keep pace with motion capture and generation.)

Multimodal Model Resources

(To keep pace with the multimodal models.)

Theoertical Articles

(To keep pace with important articles that we want to follow but are more theoertical in nature.)

Data Sources and Tools

(Links for important and useful publicaly avaialable data sets and tools for retrieval.)


(Relevant web sites of resources and companies that might be worth following.)

General Tutorials and Useful Blogs

(Relevant tutorials that might be helpful.)

Running List of Tools for Stable Diffusion

Tools List